Professional Teeth Bleaching vs DIY Teeth Whitening Kits

A recent trend has resulted in the rise of popularity of DIY teeth whitening kits, often advertised through social media and online. While these kits are cheap and will improve the appearance of your teeth, they are far from the same as professional teeth bleaching as performed by a dental professional. At Green Valley Dental , we offer professional teeth bleaching services, and so we are here to explain the differences between the two services, and anything else you need to know about teeth bleaching. The most important difference between professional bleaching and the popular DIY kits is that dental professionals are able to diagnose any dental disease prior to teeth bleaching. If bleaching is done with an undiagnosed dental problem, teeth whitening results may not be effective and may be causing harm to your teeth. Ensuring the procedure is carried out by a qualified dental professional is the easiest way to ensure the process is safe! ...