First aid for dental injuries - treatment and prevention tips!

Accidents can often occur when you least expect it. Dental trauma not only requires immediate dental treatment, but can often lead to serious aesthetic, functional, psychological and economic consequences. Dental injuries are also relatively common – affecting approximately 20-30% of people at some stage of their lives! Dental trauma can often occur when playing contact sport. Prevention is crucial in these circumstances to reduce the chance of these dental injuries occurring, and it is important to also know the basic first aid steps for when dental trauma does occur! Here is our advice for how to prevent injury and what steps to take if injury does occur. Common dental injuries (and some immediate actions to take!) Broken tooth If you experience a chipped or broken tooth, you should attempt to find and keep the broken piece of tooth. This may be able to be glued back on to restore the tooth! If this is not possible, a filling may be able to be placed to restore t...